IHT-Kolloquium "Bauelemente und Technologien"

December 18, 2018, 2:00 p.m. (CET)

Prof. Dr. Stefano Chiussi - 193 nm Excimer Laser Processing of Group IV Semiconductors, Biomaterials and Substrates

Time: December 18, 2018, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Venue: Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Halbleitertechnik
Seminarraum des IHTs - Raum 1.444
Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569  Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685 68003

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Am Dienstag den 18. Dezember setzt sich das IHT-Kolloquium fort, es spricht:

Prof. Dr. Stefano Chiussi

Departamento Física Aplicada

Universidade de Vigo


zum Thema:

„193 nm Excimer Laser Processing of Group IV Semiconductors, Biomaterials and Substrates”


193 nm Excimer lasers are commercial tools emitting powerful UV radiation, useful or processing a large variety of materials for different applications in semiconductor as well as in biomedical sectors. The talk “193 nm Excimer Laser processing of group IV semiconductors, biomaterials, and flexible substrates” will start with a brief introduction to the basics principles of these Laser types and explain their benefits, drawbacks or challenges, if used as processing tools. The required minimum experimental Set-Ups will be shown and the interaction of this UV radiation with matter explained. Typical processes for developing new semiconductors, biomaterials and biomedical devices at the “New Materials Group” and related results will be presented.


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