Zeit: | 17. Mai 2019 |
Veranstaltungsort: | Universität Stuttgart Institut für Halbleitertechnik Seminarraum des IHTs - Raum 1.444 Pfaffenwaldring 47 70569 Stuttgart Telefon: +49 711 685 68003 |
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Am Freitatg den 17. Mai setzt sich das IHT-Kolloquium fort, es spricht:
Herr Dr. Pāvels Onufrijevs,
Leitender Wissenschaftler, Institut für Technische Physik,
Fakultät für Materialwissenschaften und angewandte Chemie,
Riga Technical University, Riga, Lettland,
zum Thema: „Formation of Nano- and Barrier-Structures in Semiconductors Using Laser Radiation”.
The aim of the studies is extending the application of laser radiation for formation of various semiconductor structures. The experimental results regarding the interactions of laser radiation with semiconductors such as Ge, SiGe, GeSn, SnS, ZnO and TiO2 will be provided.
The mechanism of the p-n junction formation in i-Ge by laser radiation, the nanocone structure formation on the surface of Ge and SiGe solid solution by laser radiation as well as the preliminary results of the controlled laser-induced redistribution of Sn atoms in the GeSn epitaxial solid solution grown in the University of Stuttgart will be discussed. Laser-induced phase transition of SnS2 to SnS and the effect of nanoparticles formation in ZnO crystal by UV laser radiation will be discussed in detail. In addition, the laser-induced formation of TiO2 on metallic Ti with controlled phase will be shown.